Wednesday 29 May 2024

One Page Rules Age of Fantasy Regiments - Dwarves

 My interest in One Page Rules (OPR) continues to endure, mostly as its an excellent game system!

We've not played much of the Age of Fantasy Regiments yet though, so I've been beavering away on a plan to build a couple of armies for that.  As I have a stock of 10mm Pendraken figures left over from my Warband Fantasy projects, I've decided to use them to see if they work for OPR.

As it turns out they look very good in that format! 

There's more to come but here are some (poor quality) work in progress shots for the dwarves so far.

To help with the practical elements of unit cohesion, I've put them on some sabot bases (from Warbases) to help movement.

Still a lot to do, but its shaping up well so far.

I have a goblin army and an undead army to build too.  Not sure which one to tackle first!

More to follow...

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