I already have a 28mm Russian platoon (which I created for Bolt Action http://luddite1811.blogspot.com/2014/10/bolt-action-russians.html), but I figured I need some Germans to challenge them.
So far after two build sessions I've finally constructed the contents of the Warlord "Blitzkrieg Starter Set" (with an additional HMG team).
Turns out, as CoC is an actual historical set, for the early war I need an additional Infantry Section, so I'll have to pick that up.
The Warlord set also includes prone figures integral to the squad build. I really dislike prone figures on the table top so I'm a good few figures down, and will have to get a couple of senior commanders separately.
Also, I absolutely can't stand multipart plastic kits and the Warlord kits are particularly troublesome, being super-fiddly and difficult to assemble - particularly lining up the spearate arms and guns. Multi-part plastic is the standard in wargaming now though, so its a neccessary evil that I have to go through the rigmarole of glueing all these tiny little bits together.
The basing on these Warlord figures is wholly inadequate so I'll need to get some proper bases too.
Still, next up is the undercoating. Black or grey for the vehicles I think, and maybe an olive green for the infantry.
As these are for "up to 1941", so as Germans used a simple flat grey on all their vehicles during this period, they'll be the flat dark grey.

Uniforms of all protagonists were fairly varied, and the Germans are no different. However, in the early war the Heer division infantry general work a mix of green and grey so i'll paint them generally with dark green tunics & dark green or grey trousers.

Anyway, here's what I have for a start:
3 Infantry sections (LMG)
Sniper team (prone - not ideal but seemed appropriate)
7.5cm Ie.IG18
MMG team
Mortar team
Sd.Kfz 251
EDIT 1: After a productive evening's painting, I've got the infantry done to "base colour" stage. This took a little longer than expected as I don't have a "feldgrau" paint and had to mix up a colour as I went along (a couple of greens mixed with grey). It came out OK I think.
Next up the washes and highlights and these should be done.
I've bought another 30 or so to add the missing 4th Section and to assemble options (leaders with MP40s, senior commanders etc.)
I'll probably do these vehicles first before I dive into the infantry again. Facing the hated "fiddly glue stage" takes some building up to for me.
EDIT 2: Progress tonight and I've finished off the washes, details, and completed the vehicles. Everything is now based, but I still need to do that actual basing. I may leave this until I have everything ready. I need to get some larger bases for the weapons teams and snipers anyway.
Everything done so far |
The Heer infantry |
Hanomag half track. A nice little model |
Next up, I'll be making the 4th Infantry section, the platoon commanders and extras like leaders armed with the MP40, adjudants and medics, etc.
EDIT 3: tonight I only got a short time. No painting, but I started to assemble the additions and options for the platoon.
EDIT 3: tonight I only got a short time. No painting, but I started to assemble the additions and options for the platoon.
- Senior commander (pistol)
- Senior commander (MP40)
- 4x Section commanders with MP40 (options instead of the riflemen i've already done)
- Forward observer
- LMG + ammo carrier for my 4th platoon Section
I'd hoped to also put a medic, adjudant, the rest of the 4th Section, and some additions for the support weapons crews together, but ran out of time.
Gaming tomorrow night so I won't get much if anything made/painted tomorrow
The Warlod infantry platoon box (with only 30 figs - not enough for a full early war German platoon) is what I'll be using to construct the various options and additions. |
The two platoon senior commanders. As per Chain of Command, one has a pitsol and the other an SMG |
For the artillery assets I'll need a Forward Observer, and here he is. I dislike prone figures as I said, but it seems appropriate for this chap |
And the 4th Section Spandau MG team (gunner and ammo carrier). Only 7 riflemen to go! |
EDIT 4: this lunchtime I picked up a few more reinforcements from my FLGS...
EDIT 5: ...and everything's made and ready to undercoat. Except the Forward Observer team. I've ordered some bases and need them to arrive before I make that team up.
EDIT 6: the platoon is mostly now finished. Only the spiner team's basing to finish off, and I have a "forward observer" pack I've not made up yet - not sure I need them really.
This was a fun project to run, and I finished in in around 20 hours.
They'll be going into action tomorrow night against the Russians in Operation Barbarossa.
This was a fun project to run, and I finished in in around 20 hours.
They'll be going into action tomorrow night against the Russians in Operation Barbarossa.
The full Monty - an early war (1940/41) German infantry platoon. We'll ingore the MG42 that I accidentally bought... |
From top left: MG34, 50mm Mortar, ie18 Infantry howitzer, MG42 |
The ie18, a light, mobile and overall effective close infantry support "howitzer" gun. |
Medic. |
The highly successful StuG III |
Panzer IV; all round a solid tank of the era |
This platoon is a Heer formation from the early war "Blitzkrieg" period, made up of a mix of conscripts (conscription in place since 1935) and volunteers. |
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