A New Year brings on new projects and at our club a few of
us have decided to dive into Warhammer 40,000 (40k) 8th
Edition. This is something I’d planned
elsewhere (that didn’t come off), so I was happy to get involved.
The format over the next few weeks (a Sunday session every
two weeks) is for an “escalation” tournament; starting at 750pts and adding
250pts each session. We therefore plan
the sessions to be 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, and finishing at 1750pts. This will allow us to gradually build up a
decent army over the course of the tournament.
There’s also a loose narrative to tie everything together. The intention is that as our armies grow, we
keep what we already have, but add to it.
There’s a certain leeway to drop some things at each escalation, but
they need to be reintroduced at the next upgrade. These aren’t hard and fast though, its more a
narrative thing to keep the forces we’ve chosen looking like evolutions rather
than full rebuilds. From the discussions
at session one, I get the impression, most people will be heading into the
Knight list for some heavy unit upgrades later on...
Taste the future... |
Its also worth noting that most if not all of us had barely
actually played 40k 8th ed, so we were all new to the game and new
to our armies. The learning curves are
going to be steep indeed.
I have an extensive Crimson Fists Space Marine force that
I’ve been steadily collecting and upgrading since 40k 1st Edition,
but I haven’t really played more than a couple of games since 4th
Ed. I’d planned to jump back in last
year and bought the Dark Imperium boxed set to upgrade the marines.
Turns out there were also Death Guard marines in it and I’d
already painted up the stuff in the box, plus a few extras. So I figured that in the spirit of the
escalation I’d dive into this new “traitor” faction. After much deliberation (an enjoyable part of
our hobby is list-building and tinkering about with your army organisation) I
settled on the following list.
Death Guard Battalion (8CP) - 747pts
++HQ (2 units)
Daemon prince of Nurgle with wings (Warlord) – 195
Malefic talons, Plaguespewer
Suppurating plate Revoltingly resilient
Smite, Blades of putrefaction
Malignant plaguecaster (“Lastor”)
Pandemic staff (relic - 1CP) - 110
Smite, Plague wind, Miasma of pestilence
++Troops (3 units)
5 Plague marines 2x Blight launchers - 100
5 Plague marines 2x Blight launchers - 100
14 Poxwalkers - 84
++Fast (1 unit)
Foetid bloat drone 2x Plague spitters - 158
I decided to build the core battalion first, to get a good “shape”
and balance to the tabletop capabilities, but also to bring in the most Command
Points I could at this stage. This meant
that I needed 2 HQ and 3 Troop choices.
I knew the armies in the tournament included on the Loyalist
team, Blood Angels, Astra Militarum, and Sisters of Battle. On the Traitor team we had Drukhari, Astra
Militarum (“traitors”), and whatever I bring (Death Guard as it turns
out). We also had Tyranids as a
“floating” list to come in on either side if needed.
So, with the battalion restrictions in place I had to use
two HQs. It seems that in 40k you need
to compete in each phase of the game so I wanted two psykers (“spell casters”)
to challenge in the Psychic Phase. They
can dish out pain, buff friendly units and “deny the witch” but potentially
shutting off the opponent’s psykers too.
Both my HQs therefore would have psyker powers. There’s also another consideration for this –
my army would be fairly weak in anti-tank capability, and psykers being able to
dish out “mortal wounds” would help fill this gap a little. The Malignant Plaguecaster seemed a good
choice as the “main psyker”.

I knew both from a gameplay perspective, but also from a
“fluff” or narrative perspective that I wanted this army (called a “Tallyband”
buy the Death Guard) to be the personal guard/force of a Nurgle Daemon Prince
so I chose that unit as my Warlord. I
tooled him up with psyker, shooting, and melee capabilities so he could contest
every part of the game. At nearly 200pts
of my 750pts available it’s a big investment, but worth it. I’m thinking of where the army will be at
1750pts, so I was happy to overbalance a bit at the start.
The troop choices took some thinking about; and finally I
settled on plague marines. They’re tough
but expensive so I could only bring in two units. Maxing out the blight launchers seems the
sensible approach as they allow the marines to advance and fire, overcoming
their inherent lack of mobility. I took
two units of 5.
I needed a third Troop
choice though so went with Poxwalkers over Cultists as cheap “filler”. As it turns out, even without Typhus to buff
them, the Poxwalkers were excellent “bubble wrap” for my Malignant
Plaguecaster; “they die; they live again!”
I wanted a Foetid Bloat Drone in too as I like the model and
I wanted a bodyguard for my Warlord.
So I was happy that I had a robust force with some good anti
infantry and mid range firepower. Armour
worried me as only my psykers were reliably putting hits on them with Mortal
So to Session 1...
(Apologies for the pictures – I got so wrapped up in trying
to learn and play, that I forgot to take battle images...luckily others took a
few so I’ve plundered them for illustrative purposes – with permission of
course (thanks Joel)).
Also, the Adeptus Mechanicus player didn’t turn up.
First up I was facing John’s Blood Angels. John was fielding the following...
This was pretty much our first game each so the learning
curve started here. We were playing the
<<SCENARIO>> so there were 6 objectives to take and hold.
John deployed three units of scouts (two with sniper rifles)
camped on his objectives, and a unit of 10 tactical marines. Clearly he had stuff held in reserves, so I
set up my plague marines and poxwalkers spread out to hold my objectives by
also to block deep strikes into my backfield.
I set the bloat drone and daemon prince off on an aggressive warpath
into the Blood Angel’s backfield with great success.
John kept his assault marines and HQs off the board until
turn three, giving me two full turns of unopposed psyker power, and allowing me
to fight only half his army. When they
did arrive, they dropped right into the “jaws” of my army and were killed off
fairly quickly.
My Plague Marines taking the fight to the Blood Angels |
"Be vewwy qwiet...we're hunting space mawwines..". |
Kit-bashed blight launchers... |
When the last Blood Angel died on turn 5 I’d lost 4 plague
What I learned:
- The poxwalkers, even basic, were far more effective than
I’d expected; able to soak tremendous damage and keep coming back for more.
- A Plague caster with Pandemic Staff relic kicks out a lot
of mortal wound damage.
- Plague marines seem to die when first shot at, but the
survivors stick around and are hard to shift.
And from what John did:
- Small infantry units are better (minimises morale losses)
- Don’t keep you main units off the board in reserve –
especially your psyker who can “deny the witch”.
So onto my second battle, which was against Matt’s Astra
Matt’s Astra Militarum
Battalion detachment ‘746’– 5CP + 3CP battle forged
++HQ (3 units)
1x Company Commander - ‘31’ (Monty Greenstone)
1x bolt gun, 1x chain sword
Warlord – Grand strategist
Heirloom –Lorelle of command
Knight Commander Pask - ‘239’
Leman Russ 1x Gatling cannon, 1x lascannon, 2x plasma cannon
1x Primaris Psyker - ‘46' (Rincewind the malicious)
1x force stave ‘8’
Night shroud
Psychic maelstrom
++Troops (3 units)
1x Infantry squad (10) - ‘52’
1x mortar, 1x Plasma gun
1x Infantry squad (10) - ‘54’
1x heavy bolter, 1x flamer
1x Infantry squad (10) - ‘67’
1x lascannon, 1x plasma gun
++Heavy (1 unit)
1x Manticore - ‘133’
1x heavy bolter
++Elite (1 unit)
1x Bullygrins - ‘126’
3x bullygrin mauls, 2x slab shield, 1x brute shield
Bullgryns prep for the charge to take the relic... |
We were playing the Relic scenario so the mission was to get an infantry unit to grab and hold the centrally placed relic until the end of the battle. Given that I was both outnumbered and facing the horror of a tooled up Pask I was not hopeful for a win out of this.
Matt set up in a tight backfield castle, overseen by Pask. He sent his Bullgryns forwards to successfully capture the relic and drag it back to his lines. In the opening slavo, both my Plague marine units were dropped to a lone survivor, and both stuck around (one eventually deserving a Stratgem to restore a lost marine!).
Poxwalkers press forward to try to stop them, but the bullgryns make off with their prize. |
This meant that I had to push forwards to try to take the relic; so I went all-out aggressive with everything pushing up – a style of play I like!
My plaguecaster, wrapped in poxwalkers lumbered straight up the centre, smiting for all he was worth, and buffing the poxwalkers with miasma of pestilence. He managed to butcher the Bullgryns with psyker power buffed by the pandemic staff! On both flanks, the lone plague marines lumbered on into cover to lay down their blight launcher fire, and despite much attention from the Militarum infantry, shrugged off lasguns and plasma fire to keep going!
Daemon prince and bloat drone sweep in to wipe out the Militarum. |
My main attack came from the plague daemon warlord and the
foetid bloat drone, that double-teamed into the enemy gunline and with a
combination of psyker power, plague spitters, plague spewer and close assault, quickly
shredded them to suppurating goo!
The game rolled on into turn 7 and at the end of the game,
Pask (reduced to less than half wounds) stood alone in his rapidly rusting
tank. My daemon prince remained on one
wound, but crucially a single plague marine survived, having climbed to an
upper floor with the relic.
An excellent game that swung back and forth until the final
dice roll...
A second win of the day for me.
Things I learned:
- Poxwalkers aren’t just bullet sponges (including from
Pask); they made a successful melee charge, replacing their losses along the
way, and it took Pask turning his full attention onto them as they threatened
to batter against his hull, to finally wipe them out with 40 Gatling cannon
- Plague marines are brick.
- The plague daemon / foetid bloat drone combo is brutal
once it gets into range. Together they
took everything the Militarum (including Pask, most of the infantry, and
psyker) could throw at them for 4 full turns and kept going. Although the bloat drone eventually fell, and
the daemon lost 7 out of 8 wounds they were the stars of the match for me. The fact that the daemon only has 8 wounds
means it can hide behind the bloat drone!
What I learned from Matt
- Pask is horrible to face.
SO MUCH fire and rerolls (Gatling cannon stationary is 40 shots hitting
on 2’s, rerolling 1’s...ugh...)
- Astra Militarum wall of fire is scary, but if you can get
through it they are super squishy in melee.
I found that their morale could be used against them too, so you only
need to knock out half in a unit to watch most of the others flee...
And so for the results on the day
We’re using an “averages” point system so that players
aren’t locked in and we can have a more relaxed atmosphere to the event. The results after day 1 are as follows:
Session 1 - First Strike - 750pts
Death Guard (Steve (me)) – Played 2; Won 2; Pts 12; Av 6
Traitor Astra Militarum (Joel) – Played 1; Won 1; Pts 6; Av
Druhkari (Tom) – Played 2; Won 1; Lost 1; Pts 6; Av 3
Average points overall: 4.8
Imperium Loyalists
Sister of Battle
(Tom) – Played 2; Won 2; Pts 12; Av 6
Astra Militarum (Matt) - Played 2; Lost 2; Pts 0; Av 0
Blood Angels (John) - Played 2; Lost 2; Pts 0; Av 0
Average points overall: 2
Tyranids (Bob) – Played 1; Lost 1; Pts 0; Av 0
Average points overall: 0
So the Traitor forces are ahead by 2.8 pts (See the
narrative below).
Overall, as a first real intro to 40k, admittedly among a
group of inexperienced players, I had an immensely fun time. Not sure I’ve enjoyed wargaming this much in
many moons! Now onto upgrading the list
to 1000pts.
Much kudos has to go to the players in the group too. Most of us either knew each other but not
well, or had met for the first time and it was a great day’s gaming played in a
good natured and relaxed spirit of pushing toys about, chucking bones, and
having fun doing it!
Can’t wait for session 2 in a couple of weeks!
Before the battles...
+++Message from: Lord Inquisitor Grey+++
++Message secure: Decoding ... Decoded++
++Message to: Admiral Blackthorn, commander of the Abbess
assault fleet
+Message Subject: Update on task force mission
Admiral Blackthorn, this information is for you and your
chief of staff only.
As you know, you are leading a fleet and ground forces in
order to assist in the rescue of trapped Imperial civilians on San Leor,
possible rescue of important relics and, if possible, the rescue of the
Cathedral planet.
Unfortunately, this may not be possible. We have attached a
Blood Angels company that will meet you at the staging point and be good
assault troops as well as Adeptus Mechanics who maybe needed against dug in
Adepta Sororitas are also en route and have been asked to
seek your advice before making their strike.
Some history on the planet. The planet was invaded by the
Red Corsairs in 799.M41, culminating in the San Leor Massacre when six Orders
Militant of the Adepta Sororitas brought retribution with a counter-attack that
annihilated the invading Heretic Astartes.
Then two months ago a xenos threat, a Tyranid hive fleet,
have send a splinter tendril towards San Leor. The forces of the Adepta
Sororitas alongside their local Navy have been dealing with this invasion and
However, forces of Death Guard Heretic Astartes have taken
this opportunity and their fleet have taken the system by surprise. The local
fleet let them slip past their lines misidentifying them as the reinforcements
which they had requested.
The heretics have taken key positions as well as allied
traitor mercenary guard who have kept and held key cities and also have a small
naval fleet.
Also xenos Aeldari have been reported on the planet.
Although it cannot be confirmed we believe these forces to be hostile.
As you know, the strike forces at your disposal are to hit
at key areas to enable you to secure important objectives and to land the bulk
of your forces.
You are to rescue and take command of forces trapped on the
planet to retrieve them or utilise them as part of a counter strike.
However, what you did not know is that once important
religious items have been retrieved, we will ‘report’ a higher proportion of
rescued troops than expected and then you will be granted the authority to
orbitally bombard the planet, regardless of who is left on it.
Let the traitors feel our wrath,
Lord Inquisitor Grey
+++Message End+++
After the battles...
Colonel Garseer looked over the map appraisingly with other
officers. Only two days ago he and his men were cut off, surrounded and
besieged in San Leor city by the Death Guard.
“Krysler, may have pulled his foul pox-ridden forces out,
but we are not out of the woods yet. The blessed Blood Angels have had contact
with Krysler forces,” Garseer shook his head, “I asked the Blood Angels to
clear the trenches to the South, but the traitor regiment lead by a Captain
Felidae was dug in and they were supported by heavy weaponry and armour.” He
shook his head giving the officers the impression it hadn’t gone well.
Garseer looked over as a haggard officer hurried in, covered
in muck and bleeding from a gouge in his face.
“Sir! I’m Company commander Monty Greenstone, 2nd Column, we
were ambushed while trying to secure the landing site at the North ridge.”
Colonel Garseer offered him a place at the table, “Yes, I
heard, cursed Eldar Raiders! I hear you had a few loses? How did the forces of
the Emperor fare?”
“Well sir, what remained of the column had to give up on the
site, we were then ordered on our return to the ruin of Beau Repare Cathedral.
We had a priority mission to retrieve a statue or some such, I didn’t ask....”
Garseer looked wearily at the other officers around the
table, “Greenstone, get to the point, we are sorely pressed!”
“Well sir, the statue had already been taken and all we
found there were bodies. They were Sister of Battle as well as Xenos creatures.
That’s when we came under fire from Tallyband; Krysler was there. Presuming
Krysler wanted the statue also.”
“Sisters? Canoness Laelia won’t answer any of our hails or
report in. I think they know we can’t save this planet. You’ve been out on the
front, what is your view Commander Greenstone? Can we save it? ”
“Sir,” he wiped the blood off his face with an oily cloth,
“without any landing sites, and unless we, the Sisters, and Blood Angels don’t
start putting some holes in the enemy lines, I think we will be lucky to save
The remaining force lists were as follows
Sisters of Battle
The Sisterhood of the Alabaster Citadel
Order Conviction: Stoic Endurance
++HQ (2 Units)
Canoness Laelia, the Adamant Lady. Power Maul, Condemor
Boltgun - 45
Warlord trait: Indomitable Belief
Relic: The Book of Saint Lucius
Celestine - 160
++Troops (3 Units)
5 Battle
Sisters. 2 Meltaguns, 1 combi-flamer - 81
5 Battle
Sisters. 2 Meltaguns, 1 combi-flamer - 81
5 Battle
Sisters. 2 Flamers, 1 combi-melta - 72
++Elites (1 Unit)
Sister Dialogus - 30
++Fast Attack (1 Unit)
6 Dominions. 5 Storm Bolters, 1 Simulacrum Imperialis - 80
++Dedicated Transports (2 Units)
Immolator. Immolation Flamer - 98
Immolator. Immolation Flamer – 98
Some of the other tables...