These wonderful little chaps are an army of brutal mariors that love riddles, labyrinths, bright colours and patterns so I've tried to paint them with lots of brightly coloured body paint.
I've managed to finish the Minotaurs so far, and the Cantaurs will be next.
OK, so, here's the goodies...
Here are all the units together; the army's Chieftain, the Shamanic council, and 4 Minotaur warrior units.
Here's the chieftain with his personal guard and a couple of loyal shamans to back him up.
The shamanic council, drawing their mystical powers from the sacred bronze head icons.
And the warrior mobs. These are wild, Bacchanalian, rampant and fierce war fighters daub themselves with flashy paint to lend a more fearsome aspect to their already pretty terrifying "stampede" war-tactic.
As ever these Pendraken miniatures are a joy to paint. Clean with minimal flash, no miscasts, and crisp clear details that make a decent paintjob easy to achieve, even at the 10mm scale.